Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome Hunter Ray McKinney!

Well today was the day! Hunter Ray graced us with his presence at 3:40p.m. He weighed in at 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 19 inches (almost). He is blonde and adorable. Mommy caved on the epidural and decided drugs were good. So she was feeling pretty good throughout the ordeal once the epidural kicked in. While Aunt Jem (Jenn) took photographs, Aunt Chelle videotaped. During the birth the most amazing thing happened, everyone in the room started hearing frog sounds. "Ribbit, Ribbit." We all looked at each other while the nurse said, "You are not having a frog." It turns out that the Doctor's ringtone on his cell phone is frogs croaking. Pretty hilarious!!! The family is not scheduled to be home until Thursday. If you have any visits planned be sure to bring plenty of hand sanitizer as Mommy and Daddy are paranoid of germs.